Immigrant's Imagery Museum 2021/2022

The project entails creating a virtual reality curatorship in which a selected group of immigrants that live in Eindhoven will be able to have contact with some of the most important artworks that belong to their culture. The main idea of this project is to discuss heritage, access to culture, and the material conditions of immigrants, and demystify narratives made towards being an immigrant by the locals and by themselves.

Virtual Reality Curatorships

Investigation and research about the use of VR and AR to improve and create new ways of communicating Art.

@Fábrika 2021/2022

@Fábrika is an ambitious and innovative project that involves the independent virtual renovation of an abandoned factory located in Perus, São Paulo, Brazil. The core objective of this project is to create a virtual reality curatorship that uncovers the rich history and cultural heritage of the neighborhood and the Perus Portland factory.

With the virtual reconstruction of a 15,000 square meter space on an online platform, the project aims to serve as a starting point to investigate the potential of virtual spaces as a means of reviving the social memory of a local community. Furthermore, the project also aims to bring attention to pressing social issues such as gentrification and the erasure of collective memory.

This project represents a unique opportunity to use cutting-edge technology to preserve cultural heritage and to provide a platform for communities to engage with their past in a new and meaningful way. The online accessibility of the virtual renovation ensures that it has the potential to reach a wide audience, and to inspire greater appreciation and awareness of the cultural richness of the Perus neighborhood.

Overall, Fábrika 2021/2022 is an exceptional project that demonstrates how virtual reality can be used as a tool for cultural preservation, community engagement, and social awareness.