Camila Souza, (aka Coletora), is a Brazilian abstract artist currently living in Amsterdam. She holds a degree in Art: History, Criticism, and Curatorship from PUC SP and has published several articles in the REVISTA DESVIO. She is also an art educator and independent curator who is actively exploring the use of new technologies, such as Virtual reality, in the field of curatorship and art education. With her background and experience, she is dedicated to advancing her knowledge and understanding of the intersection between art and technology. 

As a Brazilian abstract artist living in Amsterdam, Coletora brings a unique perspective to her production. The artworks reflect her passion for abstract art, where she explores the fluidity of forms, the play of light and color, and the interplay of textures.

Coletora's abstract compositions invite viewers to engage with the beauty of formless expression, where familiar shapes and patterns emerge from the chaos of lines and colors. Through her works, she invites us to bask in the abstract, to immerse ourselves in the intangible, and to experience the beauty of formless art. Her works celebrate the limitless possibilities of abstract art, where the viewer's imagination is free to roam and the artist's vision is free to soar.

With her innovative approach and dedication to exploring the beauty of abstract art, she is a force to be reckoned with in the contemporary art scene. Her artworks invite viewers to engage with the world in new and exciting ways, to experience the beauty of formless expression, and to revel in the limitless possibilities of abstract art.